- Age 44
- Ethnicity Native
- Sexuality Straight
- Gender Female
- What do I look like?
- My Eyes Brown
- My Hair Red
- My Body Other
- Hair Lenght Shaved Head
- My Habbits
- Drinking Often
- Smoking Socially
I have faith that in the very near future, Jesus will accept my soul into heaven.
I believe that when I will be in heaven, I would be a pretty young girl and I would have beautiful face and blonde hair, and a curvy feminine body.
I wish that this would happen within days from the time when I write this. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. AMEN.
About HolySingles Founder Gloria Sabra:
Hi hunnies,
🟪 I am Gloria Sabra. I am a Gospel singer, with albums such as Faith Of Heaven, Ready To Enter Heaven, Christmas Season, and more!!!!! My music is in English & Spanish. 🟪
🟪Some of my SONGS are: Faith Of Heaven, Eternally A Girl, and Freedom. 🟪
🟪 You can LISTEN to my Music On: YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, iTunes, and iHeartRadio 🟪
🟪🟪🟪 I have founded this Dating Site, for Singles WORLDWIDE to get a chance to find a proper MATCH based on similar Interests & Preferences!!! Sign Up And Start Your Search Today! 🟪🟪🟪
It says in the Scriptures, that in Heaven we will be like ANGELS!!! I have FAITH that very soon My Lord God Almighty would accept me into Heaven, and that in Heaven eternally I would have an angel-like body of a beautiful Young Girl! Wishing that this would happen very soon in the very near future. In the Name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.