Why Physical Marriage Is Not Necessary In This Temporary Life: Part 1

Yes, as the title suggests, particularly in this temporary life. But, what do we mean by temporary? We mean, this present life which is really but a temporary state of being. We get permanent state of being when we finally enter the eternal Kingdom of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But, while we are in this temporary state, with some suffering more then others and where there is no equality and plenty of worldly laws and regulations that even most Orthodox and practicing Christians could perceive to be unfair and unjust. Yes, finally one of the elite nations, the USA, came to its senses that abortions should be as illegal as possible. But, even in this present age, the globally suppressive feminist movements still enforce this force that it is legally impossible nowadays to abolish abortion once and for all. And, it is not only the feminist movements that give a saying to what extent should abortions be illegal. It is also the forces of nature’s energy that these feminist movements enforce in the spiritual level, that even angelic forces can’t do anything at the moment to make a permanent halt to all abortions happening in the US.

But, who are we to judge of these unfair rules, laws, and regulations, which make many of the chaste and humble Christian lives nearly intolerable in this modern way of living? We cannot judge or be judges in this. Only the Almighty Himself is the Ultimate Judge. And, Christ is His only begotten Son.  Instead, we could try to play pretend that everything in this world is just and wonderful, and all of these laws are for our favor even though they are not.

So, why there is not really a necessity to be married and instead try to remain a 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80., 90, 100, 110, 120, and so on virgin or semi-virgin, or just an unmarried fellow human being in this world? Because, if all of these laws and regulations aare so many in number, and in that so many of them are not in our favor, and we could be very unsupportive and against them, then imagine what a life it would be living with a spouse in this life, who would also set millions upon billions of rules, commands, and requests that the partner spouse would have to follow, even though the spouse would be totally against those requests and rules set forth by the spouse. Instead, a chaste domestic partnership could be a solution without having to be ruled by the worldly spouse, and instead have Christ as the soul’s Bridegroom, and the partner would only act in the role of a friend, acquaintance, or just a helper to make it easier at least a little bit to survive in this temporary world before finally reaching the eternal afterlife where it would be much easier and joyful.
