„Ready To Enter Heaven“ von Gloria Sabra [Country-Gospel-Album]

My God Is Great

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is Someone I love very much. Love, I love You very much. Lord, I love You very much. My Savior is my redeemer. Lord, You are my Redeemer. Lord, You are My Redeemer. My God is very great. Lord, You are very great. Lord, You are very great. So, let us all glorify Our Lord. He is worthy of all our love. He is Our Redeemer. Trusting in Him makes us a humble believer. We want to be with You, Jesus, in heaven forever. Wherever You are, we want to be there too. We want to be there too. Lord, You are Our Savior. We want to be with You. We want to be with You. We want to see You, and be with You forever. We want this to happen very soon, so please hasten this. So, please hasten this. Thank you very much in advance for hastening this and making us with You, making us be with You for eternity. There will never be any negativity. No more negative events or emotions or things will bother us ever again. They won’t bother us ever again. So, Jesus please take us all to You. We want to be with You. We want to dwell in Your presence for all eternity. We want to be with You forever and ever and ever.

Heavenly Dress

Lord, take me to You already please. I am patiently waiting for You to take me into Your eternal Kingdom. I do not want to be an adult anymore. I want to be a child forever. I want to experience eternal youth. I believe You will make it happen. In any second, You can make it happen that I enter heaven and start having a new eternal body of a little child for eternity. This new body of mine will never experience pain. It will never experience suffering. I will have eternal joy. And the great joy will be that You will be with me. And I will eternally be a little child. I will eternally have fun and happiness. Oh, how pretty my heavenly dress will be. And I will be eternally beautiful. With my tender and innocent voice I will glorify You, Lord. I will praise you for all eternity while beautifully dressed in a comfortable heavenly dress. I love You, Lord. Please make this happen already very soon in the way I experience time. I want this oto happen already, Lord. Please hasten it already. I want to be with You already. I am ready. I am ready.

Eternal Glory

Eternal glory is the eternal state of mine, when I will be with You, Jesus, eternally. I will then experience eternal glory, because Your heavenly Kingdom will be glorious. Eternal glory, is the feeling I will get, when I will be eternally with Jesus, and this feeling I will never forget. I won’t forget this feeling, because I will be with You, Jesus. Eternal joy, eternal glory. I am going to have a never-ending story. My heavenly story will continue forever, because I will be soon in a place that lasts forever. Eternal glory, eternal glory. when I enter heaven I will never be sorry. I won’t be sorry for entering such a beautiful place, which will last forever. Eternal glory, eternal glory, I will reside eternally in a place where there is no worry. I won’t worry of having to earn a living to survive in that place. That is because I won’t be ever dependent on money ever again. Eternal glory, eternal glory, I really hope to end my current earthly story. And, I want my new story to continue in heaven for all eternity.

Happily Ever After

Jesus, You are My Savior. Jesus, You are My true love. Jesus, You are mine. Jesus, I accept to be Your bride. Jesus, I accept You as my Bridegroom. Jesus, I want to experience Your presence forever and I want to be with You forever. Jesus, this song starts with Your holy Name. Jesus, every sentence of this song starts with Your holy Name. Jesus, I accept to be Your bride. Jesus, I accept You as my Bridegroom. Jesus, You are the King of Kings, You are the Lord of Lords. Jesus, You are My true love. Jesus, I accept to be Your bride. Jesus, I accept You as my Bridegroom. Jesus, please invite me to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Jesus, I want to see You face-to-face. Jesus, I want to be in Your company forever. Jesus, please make this happen already. Jesus, so that we be united together forever. Jesus, I accept to be Your bride. Jesus, I accept You as my Bridegroom. Jesus, I am Your Bride. Jesus, You are My Bridegroom. Jesus, let us live together happily ever after.

Lord Be With Me

There have been many wicked things I have done in my life. I confess to be a sinner. I believe that Jesus forgave me for everything negative I have done. I am a born-again believer. So many sins were done out of my actions. I ask You Lord to please forgive me. My actions have caused negative reactions. But, I want to stop sinning already. Lord, accept me into heaven please. Lord, accept me. Lord, be with me in heaven, please. Lord, be with me.

So many sinful things were done by me. I acknowledge my guilt. I really want to be innocent, when the Last Judgment time comes. I want to be pure. I want to be holy. I want to be with You, for eternity. Lord, I want to be with You forever. Lord, accept me into heaven please. Lord, accept me. Lord, be with me in heaven, please. Lord, be with me.

Temptations arise, I want to get strength, Lord, from Your Spirit. Temptations arise, but I want You to protect me. See, Lord, how fragile I am. See, Lord, I cannot do anything on my own. I want You, Lord, to never leave me alone.

Jesus, You are my hope for better days. You are my hope that I will have life eternally in heaven. Jesus, be with me, and I want to be with You physically. Right now, our union is spiritual. But, let’s make it happen that it will be face-to-face physical. Lord, accept me into heaven please. Lord, accept me. Lord, be with me in heaven, please. Lord, be with me.

My God Is Almighty

My God is almighty. He is omnipotent. He is everywhere present. My God is wonderful. He is Almighty. He is preparing for me a heavenly present. Jesus, You are preparing a place for me. One day You will come for me, come for me. And You, will take me, take me. You will take me into this place You are preparing for me. Please, take me there already. Please, let me be there already. Please, let me eternally exist in the mansion which You are preparing for me. Your bride is ready. Your bride is here. Come for me, because Your bride is waiting. Let me feel to now be dressed in a white bridal dress, with a veil covering my actions. I want You, to take me in Your arms, and lead me into the mansion with beautiful gardens. Then, we will be happily ever after, You and I joyfully celebrating eternity together. Forever. And ever, and ever.

Friends With Christ

My Christ is a friend who I can trust, and be with eternally when the time comes. My Christ is a friend who I want to meet face-to-face, and be with for all eternity. My Christ is a friend who would never leave me, because I trust in Him. My Christ is a friend who is always there for me, He is on my side and I will never be lonely. My Christ is a friend who loves me, and I know this for sure, because I love Him so much. My Christ is a friend who I could be intimate with, and He will treat me as His bride by sustaining and taking care of me.


Jesus, please come free me out of these worldly chains. I want to be free. And, freedom can only be achieved in heaven. True freedom can only be attained in heaven. Lord, make me free. Free me out of these chains, please. I am burdened here on Earth. Please remove this earthly yoke, so that I won’t have to ever rely on money to exist. Please remove my burdens so that I won’t have to rely on money to exist. Please remove all the worldly burdens that are troubling me. These burdens are a trouble. They are making me stumble. They are dragging me down. These burdens are a hassle. They are like an opponent who I got to wrestle. Please make them stop. Please make them stop taking hold of me. Please make them stop taking hold of me and instead please set me free. I will be truly free in heaven, so please take me there. Please carry me away. Away into heaven, where I will eternally rest and have joy.

Glory, Glory, Glory

Glory, glory, glory. Our Lord is truly holy. Holy, holy, holy, let us to Our Lord give all glory. Glory belongs to Christ. Glory belongs to Him. He is worthy of all the glory. Let us glorify His Holy Name. Glory, glory, glory, to Our Lord. Glory to thee oh Lord, glory to thee. Thou are worthy to be glorified. Let the all earth shout: Glory! Let the whole earth sing: Glory! Glory to thee Oh Lord, Glory to thee. Let the entire world be filled with Christ’s glory. May His glory encompass all the earth. Glory, glory, glory. Our Lord is truly holy. Holy, holy, holy, let us to Our Lord give all glory. May the Holy Spirit be present amongst every Christian believer here on Earth. May the Trinity guide and protect ever Christian soul on Earth. Glory to thee oh Lord, glory to thee. May the Lord of Hosts be present in all worldly affairs, and may He through the power of His Son Lord Jesus Christ establish heaven on Earth soon in our days. Glory to thee, oh Lord, glory to thee. Glory, glory, glory. Our Lord is truly holy. Holy, holy, holy, let us to Our Lord give all glory.

Make Me Beautiful

Let us keep on praising and worshipping Our Lord. Our God hears us. He would reward us all in heaven. Let us always worship Our Creator. Our God is omnipotent, He could be worshipped anywhere. Our God is amazing. He is a true miracle-doer. God is great. Great is Our God. Our God is greater than any one. Because His power is more powerful than anodyne’s. God is powerful. God is wonderful. God, please when I get into heaven make me beautiful.

Confessions of a Sinner

Jesus, please forgive me. I confess to be a sinner. I know You can forgive. Please, Lord, forgive me. Forgive me for all of my sins I have made since the moment I came into this world up until today. Jesus, please forgive me. I confess to be a sinner. I know that You can forgive. I acknowledge all my guilt. There have been thousands upon thousands of sins I have done throughout my life. I confess to be wrong in doing them. I am truly sorry, Lord, please forgive me for all of them. There have been thousands and thousands sins I have done which I now forgotten about them. But, since You know everything, please, Jesus, forgive me for all of those sins. Forgive me, please, forgive me. Forgive me, please, forgive me. Forgive men, please, forgive me, I ask this, please forgive me. Please, forgive me. Forgive me, please forgive me, forgive me, please forgive me. I am asking You to please forgive me for all of my sins.

Christ’s Pure Bride

Christ’s bride should be fully pure, with no guilt of any kind. She should be to all very kind. Christ’s bride should be an innocent dove, with no way for anyone to blame her for anything. She should be holy in everything. Christ’s bride should be a caring soul, with no fault whatsoever. This way she would receive her eternal reward in heaven forever. Christ’s bride should be a nice soul who is nice to everyone no matter what. Eternity with Christ in the Heavenly realm is her lot. I hope to be Christ’s bride. Please, Jesus, make me be Your ultimate Bride. Christ’s bride should be fully pure, with no guilt of any kind. She should be to all very kind. Christ’s bride should be an innocent dove, with no way for anyone to blame her for anything. She should be holy in everything. Christ’s bride should be a caring soul, with no fault whatsoever. This way she would receive her eternal reward in heaven forever. Christ’s bride should be a nice soul who is nice to everyone no matter what. Eternity with Christ in the Heavenly realm is her lot. I have faith that I am ultimately Christ’s Bride.

Marriage Supper of the Lamb

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is hopefully near. Christ’s return to earth hopefully is almost here. I want to be there, I want to be there. The feast could be close at hand, I have a feeling that soon I am going into a new eternal land. I want to be there, I want to be there. So, let us all prepare while we still have time. Our acts should be holy. Our actions should be pure. In heaven eternally we will be in abundance, so no one will be poor. Hopefully soon we will all enjoy the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and be with Christ. Hopefully, soon we will all experience joy forevermore, forever. So exciting to witness how the soul’s marriage to Christ will happen. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is hopefully near. Christ’s return to earth hopefully is almost here. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is hopefully near. Christ’s return to earth hopefully is almost here. I am looking forward to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. I am ready. I am ready. I am ready. I have faith that very soon I will be there. I wish to be invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb already.

Narrow Path To Heaven

Yes, the path to heaven is so narrow. Could be hard for one to enter. The path to eternal damnation is wider, making it easier for one to get there. I choose the narrow path to heaven. No matter how hard it takes to enter. I choose the narrow path. I choose Christ as My Savior. I choose Him to be guide of mine throughout this journey. I choose the narrow path to heaven. No matter what, no matter what could happen. I choose the narrow path to heaven, and I want to be there already. Christ will guide me, He will help me along the way. I choose the narrow path to heaven, I ask that My Lord enlightens the way there. I choose the narrow path to heaven. I don’t want to stumble and get lost along the way. I want My Christ to guide me, I want Him to be with me along the way. I choose the narrow path to heaven, I believe I will soon eventually enter the pearly gates. I choose the narrow path to heaven. No matter what earthly pleasures could try to tempt me. I choose the narrow path to heaven. I have faith that I will soon enter heaven through the narrow path.

Ready To Enter Heaven

Lord, I want You to take me into heaven already. Lord, I am ready. Your bride is ready. Our intimate relationship has been going on for years, so now I think these are the right times for You to take me into heaven. I am ready to enter heaven, I am ready to enter heaven. Accept My soul, Lord. She is yours. My soul belongs to You. Accept Your bride, Lord. She is Yours. I belong to You. Accept me, Lord, please. Please, accept me. Accept me into heaven, please, already. I am ready. I am all ready. Accept my soul, please Lord. She is Yours. She wants to always be Yours. Accept my soul, Lord, she wants to get a new eternal body of a little girl for eternity. Accept my soul, Lord. Please, accept me, please. Accept me into heaven already, Lord. And, please make me have a new eternal body of a little girl. You have said, Lord, that in heaven we will be like angels. So, in my heavenly new eternal body of a little girl, I will look like a tender and cute little angel. Accept my soul, Lord. She is ready to look like an angel. Accept my soul, please, Lord, and clothe her in a white linen dress. Accept my soul, Lord, please accept me, please accept me. Accept my soul, Lord. Please let me enter heaven already. I am ready to enter heaven.
